Thursday, July 30, 2009

Taste The King's Cuisine at Gadri Resto

By: R. Aj. Cintya Paramastri (grade 11)

So, what's in Gadri Resto? Actually, it wasn't all that bad. It actually a nice open terrace restaurant that holds the secret recipe of the king of Yogyakarta or commonly called Sri Sultan. The place is located at JL. Rotowijayan no.5 Kraton, Yogyakarta, near the Kraton.

When the tourists are finished visiting the historical places at the Kraton and surrounding like Museum Kereta, Ngasem Bird Market and Tamansari they usually goes to this special restaurant. Why i call it special? Because the food here are actually the heritage of the Sultans. The foods are what the Sultans love to eat. And the recipes are only known by close relative of Sultan.

Not only the food that the heritage of the sultans, the building of its restaurant was actually built on 1917, when Sultan Hamengku Buwono IX ruled. Now, it is owned by GBPH H Joyokusumo, a brother of Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X. Joglo, is the identity of the restaurant and javanese classic style becomes the style of its restaurant.

This restaurant serves traditional cuisines such as nasi blawong that is accompanied by daging lombok kethok, ayam goreng laos, telor pindang goreng. The other menus are sate sanggar, pudding manuk nom, perawan kenes and jave beer. Those simple and traditional cuisines give unique experience for the tongue and it can only be enjoyed at this special restaurant.

But Blawong rice is actually Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono VIII's farovite, and it's the most secret recipe, as nobody knows the formula. but BRAY Hj Nuraida Joyokusumo(the owner's wife) actually discovered how to make it and now, Blawong rice has become the specialities of this restaurant.

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